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Dream, Explore and Discover with LNCT&S and step into a world of endless possibilities!! 

Vision & Mission of institute

Vision of Institute:

Being an Institute of Global repute producing technical professionals with innovative and entrepreneurial mindset working for the mankind with ethics and moral values.

Mission of Institute:

  • To develop infrastructural and teaching learning systems to create an ecosystem where global standards of learning are attained with patriotism and human values.
  • To facilitate and felicitate the learner for having close interaction with industries, research organizations and incubation centres.
  • To develop the young aspirant who creates and develop engineering systems and solutions for the benefit of the mankind.
  • To groom the learner in becoming technical professional abreast of ethics and moral values.

Vision of Department:

To be recognized for keeping innovation, research and excellence abreast of learning in the field of computer science & engineering to cater the global society.

Mission of Department:

M.1- To provide an exceptional learning environment with academic excellence in the field of   computer science and engineering.

M.2- To facilitate the students for research and innovation in the field of software, hardware and             computer applications and nurturing to cater the global society.

M.3-  To establish professional relationships with industrial and research organizations to enable the students to be updated of the recent technological advancements.

M.4-  To groom the learners for being the software professionals catering the needs of modern society with ethics, moral values and full of patriotism.




Program Educational Objectives Statements


1. The graduate will have the knowledge and skills of major domains of computer science and engineering in providing solution to real world problems most efficiently.


2. The graduate will be able to create and use the modern tools and procedures followed in the software industry in the relevant domain.


3. The graduate will be following the ethical practices of the software industry and contributing to the society as a responsible citizen.


4. The graduate will have the innovative mindset of learning and implementing the latest developments and research outcomes in the computer hardware and software to keep pace with the fast changing socio economic world.

Vision of Department:

To be world-wide recognized for adopting and keeping innovation and entrepreneurship mindset as abreast of learning to produce professionals as valuable, ethical and moral resource for industry and society.


Mission of Department:


M.1- To establish an ecosystem where students could grow with innovative practices followed in communication engineering.

M.2- Adopt the global approaches to transform the young aspirant into engineering professional catering the society with ethical and patriotic zeal

M.3- Facilitate and felicitate the learners to have close interactions with the industry experts and researchers for keeping them updated of the current and future needs of the society

M.4- To develop the mindset of learners for being innovative and entrepreneurial in becoming successful professional.




Program Educational Objectives Statements


1. The graduate will have the knowledge and skills of analog and digital communication in providing necessary solutions to the real world problems.


2. The graduate will be able to design, develop, analyze and implement the modern tools and systems involving principles of electronics and telecommunication engineering.


3. The graduate will be following the ethical practices of the core industry and supporting software industry in providing most acceptable solution to the society.


4. The graduate will have the innovative mindset of learning and implementing the latest technological advancements and research outcomes in the electronic hardware and software to keep pace with the rapid developments in socioeconomic world.